Most interactions with police officers are non-confrontational and of a simple nature. But sometimes things happen that shouldn’t. Sometimes people do or say the wrong thing to police and sometimes the police say or do the wrong thing.

North Myrtle Beach LawyerLuckily today we have more and more cameras in police cars and on their bodies to record what is actually happening. This makes a court appearance based more on evidence rather than taking the word of one person over the other.

Your North Myrtle Beach Lawyer can get all the evidence to defend you

This is another reason it is important to hire a North Myrtle Beach Lawyer to defend you. Attorneys know the way to make sure everything is presented into evidence in the correct manner and make sure that the police have acted properly in their interaction with you.

If you are arrested for a Myrtle Beach DUI, your initial interaction is often the only evidence entered in court. If you do not consent to testing then the amount of evidence against you is minimized. You have the legal right in South Carolina to refuse tests. You will have to surrender your license for a period of time but this does not mean you automatically are convicted. If police try to intimidate you or pressure you – know your rights. Ask to speak to your lawyer before you give any statements to the officers. Call (843)249-2252

The police have rules – but they don’t always follow them.