Traffic Stop ends in DUI

Remember that everything you say be used against you in court. If your lips are lubricated with alcohol, you can talk your way into handcuffs. this guy was offered the option of “park and walk” but ended up with a DUI because he talked too much.

This young man’s first mistake was to leave the bar in his car after drinking. The second misstep was spinning his tires to show off for his friend. The trifecta was accusing the officer (who was about to let him park and walk home) of stealing his wallet.

Please Please Please Don’t drink and drive. for your own protection, don’t offer info to the police in a traffic stop. If you are driving a car and pulled over show them your license, registration and proof of insurance. Listen to them and obey any lawful orders but you do NOT have to answer questions.
James Duane says

“It’s too easy, frankly, for the police to induce suspects into giving up their right to remain silent and talk,” he said on the podcast. “And it’s easier than it ought to be at trial for jurors to be duped or deceived into thinking that they ought to hold it against the defendant or suspect that he must be guilty of something if he chose to exercise his right to remain silent.”

Why you should not talk to the police – DUI